Julie G. Testimonial

Customer Testimonials

[via Yelp]
Nolan has an amazing knack to pickup on sublte nuances and showcase not just features, but true personality in his illustrations.
Julie G.
Bellevue, WA

I stumbled on Nolan through a work project (on which he did a fantastic job), and got a crazy idea to have him create a caricature of our entire family of 6 for our Christmas card. I don't know how he does it -- Nolan has never met us and only spoken with me on the phone. I sent him a handful of pictures, and like magic... he created the most perfect, fabulous, hysterical and spot-on caricature of each and every one of us. Nolan has an amazing knack to pickup on subtle nuances and showcase not just features, but true personality in his illustrations. He BLEW US AWAY, and we literally laughed until we cried when we received the images. Amazing, truly amazing!! We can't wait to use Nolan again - what a creative mind and brilliant lifestyle artist!!