Erik C. Testimonial

Customer Testimonials

[via Yelp]
We hired Over The Line Art for a company picnic last year. There was always a steady line and his pictures were simply amazing.
Erik C.
Lake Stevens, WA

We hired Over The Line Art for a company picnic last year.  We've always had caricature artists at our event and know how popular they tend to be, so we knew we needed to have someone great this year.  Nolan and Over The Line Art was recommended as one of the "Best" in our area and Nolan didn't disappoint.  There was always a steady line and his pictures were simply amazing.  You could absolutely tell who everyone was and Nolan's passion and talent showed in every single picture.  You often hear about how awkward it is to sit there while the artist sketches you, but all the feedback about Nolan was that he took the time to make it fun and have an actual conversation with the guests.  Hands down, Nolan and Over The Line Art is the best in the area and we will absolutely use them again.  In fact, we will probably add a few more artists to keep up with the demand!